Gate Authorizations


The platform will be deeply integrated into the goods release process wherein specific authorizations are required to allow containers and goods to exit locations. In that regard, it replaces much of the traditionally physical documentation utilized in these activities.

The PCS will digitize authorization documents from various stakeholders including Delivery Orders, Terminal Releases, Customs Releases and Trucker Identification in addition to Truck Licensing and Registration. As such, Operational and Security personnel handling trucks at the Terminals' entrance and exit gates can use the PCS to view, in one place, all the above authorizations. This pertains to the collection of empty containers, delivery of export containers, collection of import containers and return of empty containers.

  • Delivery Order
  • Before an importer or their authorized customs broker is allowed to pick up their imported cargo, they are required to pay the shipping line/Freight agent for all related charges. The Shipping agent will then create an electronic delivery order in the PCS, which is one of the authorizations required to acquire a PCS gate out authorization.

  • Customs Release
  • The Customs Release will still be managed internally by the Jamaica Customs Agency, however the PCS will receive the final Customs Release electronically as soon as it is processed by Customs.

  • Terminal Authorization
  • The terminals will also manage their authorizations internally. Once the terminals have issued their authorization which indicates that their charges have been paid, this information will be sent to the PCS in real time.

  • Trucker ID
  • An Inland Carrier Identification (ICID) will be created by the Customs Broker/Freight Forwarder. This authorization will assign a trucking company to collect the container from the terminal.


Staff members vetting the movement of containers and goods through Terminal and Warehouse gates were traditionally tied to stacks of paper proving authorization. With the added pressure of truckers demanding attention, they were also required to vet the authenticity of documentation, ensuring clients’ goods were never delivered to the wrong parties and/or without due process.

The PCS will seek to simplify the vetting process for the workers handling and reviewing documentation at each location’s gates. Given that the platform will be integrated with many stakeholders including Shipping Agents, Terminals, Customs and Licensing Authorities, it will quickly and conveniently provide gate vetting staff with the information necessary to allow or disallow container, goods and personnel movement through their gates. This will enable greater personal and business productivity.